Hey I have 3 unanswered in threads that either have been around for a while or i just really want to rp. I ask if anyone wants to rp them in the cb but the people who are usually on there don't really want to rp so I figured I might as well make a thread to ask anyone who just happens to read it if they want to rp in them. So I'll just post the links and their descriptions here.
https://ttrpg.forumotion.com/t6031-welcome-home-open-evAddison's arrival to this world, the public would see her running out of the asylum and then trip and kill 2 guards.
https://ttrpg.forumotion.com/t6041-monster-attack-openMonsters come out of no where and attack and kill many innocents by the galleria.
https://ttrpg.forumotion.com/t6045-food-heist-openJenny helps a boy steal food rashions at the galleria for his mother and sister. The boy runs off and then a mystery person enters the galleria making jenny take cover and hide.
If anyone wants to join any of these threads I would really appreciate it.