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Teen Titans Legacy

A RPG (Role Playing Game) based shortly after the original Teen Titans TV series. Choose or create a character and get stuck in the action!
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 Flerdocon Jalcondrno Feedecondro

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Ωmega-class Metahuman
Ωmega-class Metahuman

Posts : 5835
Join date : 2012-02-23
Age : 27
Location : My bedroom where I spend most my time cause I have no life XP

RPG character
Name: Milicondras Gen- *is shot and a new person walks in clearing his throat* Miley.....
Code Name: Fire Spitter (But that's only in other worlds.... for now 0 u 0)
Villain or good guy?: Good

Flerdocon Jalcondrno Feedecondro Empty
PostSubject: Flerdocon Jalcondrno Feedecondro   Flerdocon Jalcondrno Feedecondro Icon_minitimeWed Jan 30, 2013 11:55 pm

Demon form
Flerdocon Jalcondrno Feedecondro Firedemon31

Human Form
Flerdocon Jalcondrno Feedecondro Images?q=tbn:ANd9GcSUAfILoHbcnGNuNx6-j-I6IO9tmMN3uZEZNb1j8vlu3n1Dart7SA

Control: Me or if some one asks me first

Full Name: Flerdocon Jalcondrno Feedecondro
Codename: N/A
Alias(es): The King of Feecons, Fred
Age: 9,557,867
Classification: Feecon(Demon)
Affiliation: Him Self, the Feecons, Evil

Hair Color:(D)N/A (H)Red
Eye Color: (D)Completely black(when not on fire) (H) Black
Height: (D/H) 7'0"
Weight: 180lbs
Other Traits:(D) Has red skin, 2 huge horns, sharp and long black fingernails, tail (H) has a tail

Fire projection:(limbs catch flame when using this power along with his eyes) Flerdocon can shoot out fire form any part of his body. The fire that comes out of Flerdocon can easily melt steel. With his fire breath Fledocon can shoot out fire as much as she can hold his breath with is about 2 mins. Other attacks with thing like a fire bolt and such can shoot out to about 4 mins straight. Large fire orbs can get up to 8 feet in diameter and regular fire balls can travel as fast as she can fly. Flerdocon can fly with this power by shooting fire out of his feet. He can fly up to 100mph.

Fire resistance: No amount of fire, lava, or heat can hurt or effect him.

Healing factor:(when healing a small flame goes across the wound leaving un injured skin behind.) Small wounds heal almost instantly but can be clearly seen when it heals. Things like broken bones only take about a week instead of a month or so. Things like gun shots would take about a week or so as well.

Super Strength: Flerdocon can pick up anything up to the weight of 3 tons. He tends to use this ability to deal incredibly powerful attacks up close in battle. (His tail can also pick up this much weight and deal out the same amount of power)

Skills/Strengths: Hunting and tracking people and things down, Can speak any demon language, survival skills, advanced weapon training, how to use his tail as if it was a 3rd arm.


Un Holiness: Can't touch or come within a 2 feet of anything Holy (like churches, crosses, holy water, etc.) if he passes that barrier and or touches the item he will start to burn at the rate of a 3rd degree burn.

Water: If water gets on him his fire starting powers are unable to be used until dried off.

Equipment: N/A

Likes: Fire, death, when Miley is in her full demon form unless she's trying to kill him.... again, watching fights, burning things, killing

Dislikes: Water, cold things, Miley's half breed and human form, good people aka heroes, holy things, the fact Miley won't come back to the kingdom, when Miley makes human friends, Miley's human friends

Habits/Quirks: Tends to get angered by anything that is anything less than a full demon.

Personality:Flerdocon is clearly evil and would kill all who opposes him. Would never kill Miley but would defiantly bring her as close to death as he could without killing her if it came down to it. Flerdocon is easily angered by any thing that is anything less than a full demon. Flerdocon also likes to manipulate others into helping him and would most likely kill them after they did.

Place of Origin: A fire kingdom located in a volcano in the underworld (aka hell)

Family Members:Melinda (last name unknown) (technical/died in child birth) Milicondras Gendorytoonyfeel Feedecondro (daughter)

History:Flerdocon mated with a human around 17 years ago hoping for a son that would become the most powerful Feecon ever known and become the new king/ruler of his kingdom. Flerdocon was surprised to see that it was a female baby but decided a female leader would do just as well. Unlike most demons Flersocon didn’t care whether she was a boy or girl but did care about the fact that Miley took after her mother and wasn’t evil like him and refused to be evil like him.

Even though his daughter wasn't evil Flerdocon kept trying to turn her evil and during Miley's first full moon he thought he had successed but became furious to find out he hadn't when she changed back to normal. Flerdocon then spent the next 16 years trying to force Miley to go back into her full demon form and stay in that form. After failing this Flerdocon decided to lock his own daughter up in chains with holy markings on them until she decided to change into her full demon form.

Once he had heard that Miley had escaped he began to hunt her down. Once he found her he became enraged to find that she had befriended a human boy. Flerdocon killed this boy making Miley change into her full deon form from her rage. Flerdocon then tried to talk her into coming back to the kingdom but Miley just ended up attacking him. Flerdoncon got carried away in the fight and tore off half of Miley's left horn which made her so mad that she started to beat him in battle.

Flerdocon escaped at the last second and tried to get Miley to willingly come home but she declined. Flerdocon now is planing on coming to the upper world to kill Miley's new friends and or take Miley back home by force and lock her back up in the dungeon for at least 100 years as punishment for running away.

Last edited by Paige on Sun Feb 03, 2013 11:43 pm; edited 3 times in total
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Ωmega-class Metahuman
Ωmega-class Metahuman

Posts : 5835
Join date : 2012-02-23
Age : 27
Location : My bedroom where I spend most my time cause I have no life XP

RPG character
Name: Milicondras Gen- *is shot and a new person walks in clearing his throat* Miley.....
Code Name: Fire Spitter (But that's only in other worlds.... for now 0 u 0)
Villain or good guy?: Good

Flerdocon Jalcondrno Feedecondro Empty
PostSubject: Re: Flerdocon Jalcondrno Feedecondro   Flerdocon Jalcondrno Feedecondro Icon_minitimeThu Jan 31, 2013 6:04 am

Everything should be finished so this app is ready for someone to check it.
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Flerdocon Jalcondrno Feedecondro Empty
PostSubject: Re: Flerdocon Jalcondrno Feedecondro   Flerdocon Jalcondrno Feedecondro Icon_minitimeSun Feb 03, 2013 11:45 pm

Flerdocon Jalcondrno Feedecondro Riful_11
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PostSubject: Re: Flerdocon Jalcondrno Feedecondro   Flerdocon Jalcondrno Feedecondro Icon_minitime

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