Teen Titans Legacy
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Teen Titans Legacy

A RPG (Role Playing Game) based shortly after the original Teen Titans TV series. Choose or create a character and get stuck in the action!
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Double Date or Double Trouble? - Page 2 Icon_minitimeMon Sep 27, 2021 7:20 pm by JaK

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Double Date or Double Trouble? - Page 2 Icon_minitimeMon Sep 13, 2021 5:04 pm by Simca

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 Double Date or Double Trouble?

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Double Date or Double Trouble? - Page 2 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Double Date or Double Trouble?   Double Date or Double Trouble? - Page 2 Icon_minitimeMon Sep 26, 2011 9:55 pm

"Well then, all aboard, take your seats there's five of them to choose from and lets head out."

That being said, Ben jumped into the front cockpit. He wasn't the best pilot or driver in the world, but he was adequate enough and plus other than Capricious who probably would need to to be taught how to use the controls, from his understanding the other 2 weren't all that familiar with the technological world, much less being able to fly or drive this ship. So naturally Capricious took the seat behind Ben which controlled/monitored the navigation, diagnostics, and communication. While the seat Ben was sitting in controlled the main weapon, steering and shielding. Lance took the right helm wing, which controlled the jet propulsion levels there and the side laser canons; while Grace took the other side, which had virtually the same main functions as Lances. The back seat controlled the main propulsion system and monitored the other systems as well as held some other offensive capabilities. Then again, they all pretty much had interchangeable jobs from each seat. Meaning no matter where you were at you could access any part of the ships systems and weapons.

"Ok, and were off in 3...2....1!. Dive, DIVE, DIIIIIVVVEE!!"

Pushing a button in the cockpit once everyone was secure the hangar bay doors opened up below them, while at the same time the coverings to each cockpit fastened tight. As the large machine powered up the T-Sub was suddenly dropped into the bay. After a moment of bobbing around Ben took her down into the deep black water. Once they went down about 4 leagues the moon light from above began to fade away, so naturally Ben turned on the headlights and continued to dive deeper, at an angle, propelling away from the tower.

"How's everything looking team? Anybody getting claustrophobic, because I swear if you throw up your cleaning the entire ship. Top to bottom. Anyway stay sharp because well be coming up on my surprise soon enough."

As the ship continued to soar through the water sort of like a giant fish. Smaller fish could be seen as well; such as octopuses, baby sharks, sea turtles and many other aquatic animals all seeming to mind their own business. Above head an entire school of tuna could even be seen swimming in giant snake like formation. It was wonderous...Truly the last frontier of the known world that was mostly untouched by man's grubby and greedy hands. Eventually they came up on a sea-shelf like area after nearing the bottom of the sea floor.

"And were here, take a look at this guys."

Ben then sharply maneuvered the T-Ship in between an underwater canyon and as they strode along, suddenly it was seen by all that the headlights would no longer be necessary, for the entire area was illuminated by glowing ruby like coral. The reef in the canyon lighting up with multiple gem like colors that not even a rainbow could compete with. As they drove past them little schools of fish could still be seen swimming about and if one looked over head the glimmering plants extended all the way to the top of the canyon. It was also truly marvelous and beautiful. Clams with pearls the side of baseballs were just sitting around down there, fully open for their crown jewels to be seen. Who would've thought a place so serene as this could've even existed and better yet be seen by human eyes.

"What I tell ya, cool huh?!"
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Zeta-class Metahuman
Zeta-class Metahuman

Posts : 417
Join date : 2011-01-08
Age : 28

RPG character
Name: Juliette Berns
Code Name: Capricious
Villain or good guy?: Good

Double Date or Double Trouble? - Page 2 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Double Date or Double Trouble?   Double Date or Double Trouble? - Page 2 Icon_minitimeTue Sep 27, 2011 12:25 pm

I took my place behind Ben and took deep breaths, concentrating on the controls.
Contrary to common belief, I was quite gifted at driving just about anything rather quickly.
So I could manage alright.
Then We were diving and I squeezed my eyes shut tight until we were well underway.
Meditating to keep from panicing (because a little voice in my head insisted I was going to die) I was actually preoccupied until he turned off the lights.
Even I gasped. The sight was..breathtaking...I almost forgot we were underwater...
And I really had to admit, Ben impressed me. He usually did anyway, though I'd never tell him, his ego was well enough off, but this was really special,
"Dont let this get to your head babe, but you really had a great idea" my gloved hand reached forward to squeeze his shoulder affectionately.
I left my hand there, just out of habit knowing he didn't mind. I was his girlfriend after all.
Hmm.. My mind began to wander as I gazed at the surrounding sight.
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Double Date or Double Trouble? - Page 2 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Double Date or Double Trouble?   Double Date or Double Trouble? - Page 2 Icon_minitimeTue Sep 27, 2011 4:48 pm

Grace did want to ask Juliette all about her powers, but not now. Not during a date. That seemed too work related for a date.

She couldn't help but notice that the girl was not comfortable being under water. "Remember to breathe, Juliette. You're okay." That was right. Juliette was new to the team. She probably needed a mentor, and Grace hadn't been fulfilling that role. Grace decided that she needed to be there for her fellow Titans more.

They came to the glowing reef. Grace's eyes opened wide. The light from the beautiful coral reflecting off of her eyes. This was amazing. She couldn't believe that a place like this really existed. It was peaceful and quiet. The only companions down here were fish.

She wanted to stay here forever.
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Gamma-class Metahuman
Gamma-class Metahuman
Double Date or Double Trouble? - Page 2 275-5

Posts : 831
Join date : 2010-11-07
Location : Land of Awesomeness

RPG character
Name: Lance Moore
Code Name: Fissure
Villain or good guy?: Evil

Double Date or Double Trouble? - Page 2 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Double Date or Double Trouble?   Double Date or Double Trouble? - Page 2 Icon_minitimeThu Sep 29, 2011 7:55 pm

Lance would keep busy on his controls as he was looking down trying to keep his end good. Lance would finally look up as he would then notice the beautiful site of the reef that was set out in front of them. He would look on in awe, mouthing the words, wow. Lance would immediately drop what he was doing as he would just continue to look on at what was in front of him, just speechless at first. Sometimes nature could be horrible even a disaster, but the flip side of nature could be beautiful and untouched. Lance would speak into the communicator that was set on everyone's head.

"Wow, this is amazing..."
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Double Date or Double Trouble? - Page 2 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Double Date or Double Trouble?   Double Date or Double Trouble? - Page 2 Icon_minitimeThu Sep 29, 2011 9:20 pm

"Yup, I knew you would love it. There's just something about girls and things that sparkle."

Ben chuckled at this while they continued to move right along through the shimmering canyon. However, as Ben was speaking he didn't notice the little red dot stead-fast approaching them on the radar screen getting bigger and bigger as it neared. The beep that alerted everyone of incoming projectiles getting louder by the second.

"Hmm, wonder what that could be----WHOA!!!"

Suddenly the entire T-Sub was hit by something really big, very hard. in fact the entire ship was spinning around in a cyclone underwater. Ben was barely even able to get her to steady, before turning to face whatever had hit them.

Double Date or Double Trouble? - Page 2 Hydra_10

"Oh...This isn't good."

As everyone in the ship feasted their eyes upon the 3 headed serpent it became obvious to them all now why exactly this canyon was so untouched; it belonged to a ferocious sea monster! The worst part about the situation was that they probably looked like a giant fish to the snake like creature and they couldn't use their powers. The beast's screech being heard as a sound wave all around them before the middle head lunged forward at the group. Ben having to react fast veered the T-sub sideways and then began yelling commands at the rest of his team.

"Grace, Lance begin firing side laser canons! Juelz lock onto the closest head while I ready the main weapon! Come on, hurry up everybody, we don't have much time!!"

The T-Sub wasn't per say to combat capable yet. Thus, why Ben had to give the main weapon time to charge. In the meantime he would try to use evasive maneuvers to dodge the creature's attempts to eat them, having to pull up rapidly to avoid the left head's snapping razor sharp jaws.
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Double Date or Double Trouble? - Page 2 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Double Date or Double Trouble?   Double Date or Double Trouble? - Page 2 Icon_minitimeFri Sep 30, 2011 3:10 pm

Giant sea monster? Grace felt her blood freeze in fear at the sight of the sea serpent. If she tried to use her powers here, she would freeze the T-sub long before the monster.

Ben told her to man the side laser canons. "The what?" Grace looked down at the glowing, confusing controls spread out before her. She had no idea what any of these buttons did. What did the colors mean? Why were some buttons bigger than others? Grace didn't want to risk blowing the T-sub up by making a mistake.

"Um...how do I use that...laser thing?"
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Zeta-class Metahuman
Zeta-class Metahuman

Posts : 417
Join date : 2011-01-08
Age : 28

RPG character
Name: Juliette Berns
Code Name: Capricious
Villain or good guy?: Good

Double Date or Double Trouble? - Page 2 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Double Date or Double Trouble?   Double Date or Double Trouble? - Page 2 Icon_minitimeFri Sep 30, 2011 4:02 pm

I was happy and actually kinda calm..until I noticed the beeping.
Thankfully, or not... I recocgnized the monster.
"Hydra. It's a hydra. A real, live hydra. Ben whatever you do, don't aim for the heads!" I followed orders and locked into it's body, mainly internal organ area and the eyes.
If it really was what I thought (and I was pretty damn sure) then cutting off heads would not work. We'd have to maim it to death.
Ugh. I'd rather bit though. So my shots exploded before hitting the Hydra, mainly to scare off. Warnings.
"Liev was right, you have a knack for romantic dates Babe." I commented before firing a few minor shots at the beast.
I couldn't get wet. If I got Too wet, I died. End of story. And the tiniest bit of water? Worst torture imaginable.
"We should get out of here. This is her territory (feminist at heart!) and if we leave we might make it out alive." I stated matter of factly, trying not to panic. I looked to Grace, who had offered comfort earlier and for some reason I thought she might support me, though I had no idea and I was really just going with ny gut.
Oh Ben...
"Ben, if this kills us..." I left it hanging there, my witty remark dying in my throat as the creature roared, shaking the sub.
Oh dear God.
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Gamma-class Metahuman
Gamma-class Metahuman
Double Date or Double Trouble? - Page 2 275-5

Posts : 831
Join date : 2010-11-07
Location : Land of Awesomeness

RPG character
Name: Lance Moore
Code Name: Fissure
Villain or good guy?: Evil

Double Date or Double Trouble? - Page 2 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Double Date or Double Trouble?   Double Date or Double Trouble? - Page 2 Icon_minitimeFri Sep 30, 2011 8:06 pm

Lance would look down at the range of buttons that were in front of him. He would try and remember which one was the lasers. He would wing it and grab onto the controls in front of him and presses the blue button(s) and gets the laser to fire at the hydra. The laser would hit the large beast and would not even cause any type of scratch on the beast, in part due to the fact that Lance didn't realize that he had the laser on an extremely low setting. He would continue to shoot at the beast with a constant beam until it roared. The roar was so powerful almost stunning. It was so powerful that it shook the water around the ship. It was like you could almost see the shockwaves that would come out from the roar.

"Ben..! Let's get out of here!!"
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Double Date or Double Trouble? - Page 2 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Double Date or Double Trouble?   Double Date or Double Trouble? - Page 2 Icon_minitimeSat Oct 01, 2011 4:16 pm

Ben was kind of surprised to hear that Juelz knew what the heck this thing was and that he shouldn't aim for the heads. However, Ben wasn't surprised that the side laser canons were having no real affect. After shooting his girlfriend a rather annoyed expression that spoke of how now wasn't the time, after she mentioned Liev's dating joke, Ben tried to swerve around it, but the monster was blocking them. One head coming at them from up top, one coming from the left, the body was covering the middle and another from the right. Leaving the only directions down and back...Great.

"Ok, main weapon is charged I'm going to aim for it's heart. Hang on everybody because here goes nothing! Especially if it's heart turns out to be on the other side..."

With those few words of confidence Ben fired a large charge beam at the creature's chest just as the heads were enclosing around the T-ship. The blast hit and temporarily knocked out all systems in the submarine other than life support for a few seconds. At the same time the green beam carried the creature backwards and into the side of the canyon where a small rock slide occurred and landed all over the Hydra, creating a massive dust cloud in the water that obscured it from view. The group not knowing if it was dead, alive, wounded mortally or just knocked out.

"Phew, I think it worked and the systems are all starting to come back online, which is a miracle because I hadn't finished designing this thing for combat yet or rather Graymatter hadn't.. Everyone ok?"

No sooner had Ben asked that question would he find out that even if they were. In a few moments none of them would be ok at all. For out of the particle cloud another shrill shriek was heard followed by a purple hue of energy; Ben knowing exactly what that meant...

"You gotta be kidding me, it's got lasers too!?"

Not really a laser, but a purplish fire that was somehow able to travel underwater towards them and not be put out. This would be such a cool experience for Ben to be seeing a mythical creature with this kind of power...If...ya know...it wasn't trying to kill him, his friends, and his date!"

"We can't dodge it, everyone for them self."

Ben then slammed his fist down on a rather large button that caused the ship to develop lines all over it like a lego construct or rubix cube and break apart. Shooting each piece in a different direction. Grace got the side wing, which the jet attached to it acted as a propeller for her and the same happened for Lance with their weapons still attached as well. Capricious got the middle and back end of the ship, which had another cockpit, but it was empty since there was four of them. The engine on the back acting as her propeller and she had canons located on the underbelly of her cockpit. While finally Ben's, who had the front seat, broke off and developed a fin at the top, two laser canon mounts at the bottom, and two wings that unretracted on each side along with jets on the back of it to move him along. It was an old feature the original Titans had designed into the T-ship that Ben thought would be a good idea to keep.

"Let's fan out and swarm it. Needless to say, but watch out for the stuff shooting out of their mouths."

Ben would say as the Hydra reappeared and began breathing more fire at them with each of it's heads. Ben soaring in and around it like a fly that you can't catch while firing multiple lasers at it from all angles in an attempt to annoy the beast. The main weapon hadn't killed it, but it was wounded around the chest, seen as a very bad burn mark. That was a good focus point for their fire.
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Double Date or Double Trouble? - Page 2 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Double Date or Double Trouble?   Double Date or Double Trouble? - Page 2 Icon_minitimeSat Oct 01, 2011 7:53 pm

The T-sub broke apart into 4 pieces. Now Grace was on her own.

Great....just great. She had no idea how to drive this thing.

Finding a small instruction manual beneath her chair, Grace started paging through it desperately. Engines...steering...radar...lasers. She glanced through them all in a matter of seconds. She still had almost no idea of how to drive this thing, but at least she knew which buttons, knobs, and switches were involved.

Grace turned her pod around and headed back towards the hydra. She aimed in its general direction and fired the lasers. She missed, but she had gotten the attention of one head for a moment. The monster snatched at her. Grace panicked and swerved the vehicle to the side. She bumped a button and a message came up on the main screen.


What? Why would she want to get out of the vehicle while she was still underwater? The water pressure would crush her in an instant. Why would they even have a button to do that?

Wait! Ben was a shapeshifter. If he could turn into something aquatic, then he could actually get out there and fight. She was certain that Ben would be a more effective weapon than a hundred submarines.

"Ben, there's an eject button! Turn into an alien fish or something. Do you have something like that? Something that can take this monster out?"
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Gamma-class Metahuman
Gamma-class Metahuman
Double Date or Double Trouble? - Page 2 275-5

Posts : 831
Join date : 2010-11-07
Location : Land of Awesomeness

RPG character
Name: Lance Moore
Code Name: Fissure
Villain or good guy?: Evil

Double Date or Double Trouble? - Page 2 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Double Date or Double Trouble?   Double Date or Double Trouble? - Page 2 Icon_minitimeSat Oct 01, 2011 9:54 pm

Lance would look at the range of controls again. Once Ben would cause them to split into four different ships a control device would pop out from under Lance's seat in front of him. Lance would grab onto them and just wing it. He would tilt the controls forward sending him straight at the hydra. Lance would in turn shoot the laser from his ship even though it had no effect. One head would should the purple fir from it's mouth straight at Lance. Lance would turn his controls to the left, hard. The ship would veer off to the left and duck right under the head. He would turn the ship around in a big semicircle motion.

"Even though we're in danger, you gotta say this is an adrenaline rush."

Lance would say to himself in his cockpit as he look around for something to make his lasers stronger. On the panel out in front of him was a grid with a touchscreen. Lance would slide his finger across the grid. He wasn't sure if it would work so he only went half way on it. Lance would then fire at the hydra again. The beam surely look much powerful, but a look at a grid that was next to the beam one would drop to about half. Lance would look at it for a few seconds and it would raise back up. Seems like it had to recharge when shot at a more powerful setting.

"Time to see how powerful this thing can get."

Lance would say to himself as he raised the grid for the beam about 80% of the way up. Lance would then shoot the beam again right at the hydra. The beam would only cause very mild burn like marks on the hydra. They were enough to catch one of the heads attention onto Lance.
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Zeta-class Metahuman
Zeta-class Metahuman

Posts : 417
Join date : 2011-01-08
Age : 28

RPG character
Name: Juliette Berns
Code Name: Capricious
Villain or good guy?: Good

Double Date or Double Trouble? - Page 2 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Double Date or Double Trouble?   Double Date or Double Trouble? - Page 2 Icon_minitimeMon Oct 03, 2011 5:18 am

"Ohgodohgodohgod!" I muttered as I was shot off on my own.
Thank God I could drive this thing. Sorta.
As Ben zoomed up I drove down to the generally sensitive underbelly. The burn mark clear as day.
I fired a few powerful blasts at it, causing the beast to rear a head at me and shoot it's own fire back, missing me but not by much.
I put it on autopilot as I quickly activated my skintight supersuit and slipped on the equally slim water proof suit Ben had mentioned. If all else failed I knew what to do..
So I shot a few more powerful blasts at the beast and these also hit it's sensitive spot. Now the beast was fuming, though I was all for simply leaving, the hydra was blocking our exit.
I heard Grace' idea, and while it was a good one I added,
"but don't do anything stupid Ben."
better safe than sorry.
And if something happened to Ben- DAMNIT!
The beast took this as an oppurtunity to blast a jet of purpleish flames at my ship and sent me hurtling into a coral reef. All I heard were the cracks and booms of Coral hitting the Tsub and I quickly manouvered out before the reef caved in on me.
Checking the vitals of the ship I frowned, the engine was only on half of it's power. Weird and bad.
But I had to concentrate because this wasn't going well.
As hard as it was to admit, i was powerless down here. If I used my current I'd be not only an idiot but dead. Not to mention it would kill everyone else. If I used my voice I'd shatter the sub and kill everyone else.
So..I really had nothing but the laser jets on the sub.
Shoot, I hated being powerless.
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Double Date or Double Trouble? - Page 2 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Double Date or Double Trouble?   Double Date or Double Trouble? - Page 2 Icon_minitimeThu Oct 06, 2011 6:04 am

OT: Sorry a lot of school work, but I think this plot twist will be well worth the wait. Wink

Ben and the others weren't having too much of an affect on the beast and were mainly annoying it, but luckily were still alive and that counted for something...Right? Then Grace suggested that Ben use the eject button to go out and do battle with the beast with one of his aquatic aliens. Afterwards Juelz replying to him over her intercom stating that she didn't want him to do anything stupid.

"Sadly, if I tried to do that I would be, for a few reasons: 1. If I eject I would already have to be in alien form or the pressure down here would kill me, and I don't have too many that can handle deep sea pressure. 2. I don't have anything that can handle a monster that big anymore in the water, not since I had to re-boot the omnitrix. Oh and 3. if I get stuck in alien form down here for more than 20 minutes or so I'll change back and then I'm done for...."

As Ben spoke he did a series of quick maneuvers with the others, all of them still attempting to take the Hydra down, but it was a very fearsome beast and seemed to be guarding this canyon to the death...Why!?

"...So take your pick; death by crushing pressure, death by being eaten alive by a sea snake monster, orrr my favorite death by suffocation when the watch times ou---AAARRRRRUAAGHHH!!!"

While in mid sentence, Ben would be hit by the back end of the sea serpent's tail. They had been worrying so much about the heads the group of teens hadn't even really noticed the other parts of it's extremely HUGE body. As Ben took the force of the blow it was like a fly had just been swatted away by a large hand. The ship spun uncontrollably while Ben braced himself for impact and luckily just narrowly missed the ledge of deep sea canyon cliff side. As he finally came to a halt all the systems in his pod were blaring, warning of impending doom should he take another forceful blow like that. However, little did he know there was already a crack forming in the small ship's exterior. Although, at the moment he had bigger problems anyway. For as soon as the the small sub finished fish-necking he stopped dead still in the water leaving him open for the middle head to unleash a green fire blast upon the Titan and completely obliterate him! As it reared it's head to do so while the other two focused on the others, suddenly and rather luckily, laser fire would fly up at the mythical creature from near the bottom of the glimmering canyon.

As everyone turned their attention to where the cover fire was coming from, people, or rather Atlantians could be seen swimming up out of a hidden opening near the base of the sea canyon. As they neared the beast the hydra turned it's attention to them and began trying to fight the Atlantians, but seemed to be outmatched. The amphibian soldiers moved with grace and skill like that of a dolphin or better. The leader of the pack being Aqualad, who quickly wrangled up two of the heads with his magic water weapon morphing hilts. The high tech metallic rods forming two large blue water whips which lassod around two of the heads and then left the third looking at the boy while the others whale for freedom. However, instead of attacking it just lowered it's free head and began to moan quietly. Aqualad was calming it down, but how!? It then occurred to Ben who was watching the well formed aquatic military quell the beast that Atlantians had the ability to talk to marine animals telepathically. Aqualad must be telling this thing to calm down and that they weren't threats, but why would it listen to him? All these questions would hopefully be answered soon, for after taming the beast Aqualad released his hold on the creature and let it swim back down to the depths of the sea shelf before turning his gaze rather angrily upon all the Titan ships. Motioning to one of the men in his unit for what looked like a high-tech mouth piece, which doubled as a radio as so he could communicate since you cant really talk underwater unless your speaking Atlantian or you are one.

"Titans, why are you here at the gates of Atlantis attacking our Guardian? I recognize the symbol upon your vessel from your past visits, but you don't look like the ones who used to come here before with Tempest."

Aqualad's voice came in over the intercom as he spoke into his mouth piece. The Atlantians were obviosuly a very advanced society if they had technology that could do this, that, or Tempest AKA the past Aqualad had worked with both the Titans and Atlantis to make a device that could communicate with intercoms underwater for them. Either way it was obvious to the team by now where they were and why this beast had attacked them. This was one of the secret entrances to Atlantis and this was the beast they had entrusted to guard it. This explained everything, why it was fighting them so hard and why it listened to Aqualad. The Hydra had thought they were a threat or were trying to find the way to Atlantis and was doing it's job, which was attempting to stop them.

"Whoa, that was a big guard dog..."
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Zeta-class Metahuman
Zeta-class Metahuman

Posts : 417
Join date : 2011-01-08
Age : 28

RPG character
Name: Juliette Berns
Code Name: Capricious
Villain or good guy?: Good

Double Date or Double Trouble? - Page 2 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Double Date or Double Trouble?   Double Date or Double Trouble? - Page 2 Icon_minitimeThu Oct 06, 2011 1:43 pm

I watched the beast attack Ben and felt a scream catch in my throat, leaving me unable to utter a sound.
Then everything went pretty fast and I saw the Atlantians. If that wasn't enough Aqualad spoke via intercom And I drove my ship up next to Ben
"Well Ben, congradulations, we almost became public enemy numbero uno" I bit my lip to keep from smirking, oh I was going to tear him for that. Honestly I found it kinda cute.. But I had to concentrate now, so I put on a straight face and then spoke to Aqualad,
"Sorry, Im Capricious. we were just on a date...admiring the beautyhere. And we thought your..ehm Hydra was attacking us. Simple misunderstanding..? We apologize." I tried to explain while slipping off the water suit and transorming my suit back into my clothes.
Well, this was certainly a pleasent surprise. We aren't going to die. And we aren't going to die.
Did I mention we weren't going to die? Yeah. Nice point, that.

"We're the New..? Teen titans" I added nodding.

Last edited by Capricious on Fri Oct 07, 2011 4:14 am; edited 1 time in total
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Double Date or Double Trouble? - Page 2 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Double Date or Double Trouble?   Double Date or Double Trouble? - Page 2 Icon_minitimeFri Oct 07, 2011 2:10 am

Grace brought her pod to a stop. She face-palmed herself as she realized where they were. Ben must be embarrassed.

Then Cap had to go and say that they were on a date. Grace face-palmed again. She decided to attempt to save face.

"This is Deep Freeze. The Titans you know have all moved on to bigger and better things, just like the Tempest. We were testing out our newly repaired water machine by traveling to your city. We were unaware of your Guardian, so we panicked. Please forgive our ignorance."
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Double Date or Double Trouble? - Page 2 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Double Date or Double Trouble?   Double Date or Double Trouble? - Page 2 Icon_minitime

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