Teen Titans Legacy
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Teen Titans Legacy

A RPG (Role Playing Game) based shortly after the original Teen Titans TV series. Choose or create a character and get stuck in the action!
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PostSubject: Sonicboom   Sonicboom Icon_minitimeSat Dec 29, 2012 9:41 pm

"Shut up. I'm the one talking here! Well, technically screaming with enough force to blast a man across a room but, you get the point."

Zach (No Middle Name) Velocita

Sonicboom Image of your character


Full Name: Zach Velocita


Hair Color: Zach has chocolate brown hair, which he is too lazy too style what so ever so one could often find it incredibly lopsided.
Eye Color: Zach has bright green eyes
Height: Zach is roughly 6' 1"
Weight:Zach is about 180 lbs.
Physical Body: Zach is moderately muscular, but not so that he looks like he's 'roided out and his muscles aren't nearly big enough to hinder his movement.
Costume: For his costume, Zach wears a Kevlar-infused skin tight black suit as a bottom layer. Over that he wears purple armor plating with the insignia of a a stereo on it. He wears thick purple running boots which are very useful for dealing with high amounts of friction. He has a few small pouches on his legs which he stores his throwing rocks in as well as water(In case he starts a fire with his friction.) and cookies(in case he starts running low on food.). He also wears a purple full-mask that reveals his eyes, mouth, and chin.
Other Traits: Zach has a single scar running down the center of one of his legs("Its from the moment when I realized Heli-Skiing wasn't as boring as I first thought." He says when asked about it.)


SUPERSPEED: Zach has superspeed and has been known to comfortably run at around 800 miles per hour(and this is only if he is not engaged in a fight, and on a mostly full stomach[as it would be mildly uncomfortable for him to not have a full stomach. When he runs it burns up energy quickly, when not running however he uses his energy as any normal human would.].). If he pushes it, Zach can accomplish speeds of up to 1,500 miles an hour(However if he reaches that speed, it is highly likely he will pass out for a few days.).
SOUND MANIPULATION:Zach also has the ability to control sound. He can play with volume levels of sound that is within a thirty yard radius of him(This works in such a way that he actually changes the volume level of the sound. Meaning if you were just outside a dome of complete silence and you had the best hearing in the world you wouldn't be able to hear anything from inside the silence dome. This makes it ideal for stealth and in some cases causing a distraction.), he can also attune his ears to hear sound that can be up to three miles away(During this process to hear the sounds he muffles out most expected background noise[Dogs barking, children screaming, people talking, concerts] however if you got him with something unexpected like say a bullhorn, he would be in trouble.). He has also been known to send sound wave blasts at enemies, these blasts are mostly concussive as Zach usually heavily dims the sound to the point where you could only hear it if you were on another sound spectrum[we pray for you, dogs.] However, if these blasts were to actually be heard it would be like you decided you were going to put your ear up against the speakers at a Rock and Roll concert. His blasts are easily strong enough to launch a man across a room on one of their lowest power 'settings'. On their highest they could probably hit a moving car to the side of the road leaving a dent in it(Or more damage if Zach hit it into a building.)

Skills: Zach knows how to deal with people, he has been quoted as a good negotiator. If his powers stopped working, Zach is also a very good swing with a baseball bat.


Running On Empty: If Zach is entirely drained of food, it will be highly uncomfortable and difficult for him to run. if he has absolutely no food in his system, he can run from about 180 MPH to 250 MPH.

Sand, Oil slick floors, etc: If Zach encountered any of these substances and attempted to run at super speeds of them he would either slip and hilariously fall, or be unable to go very fast on them.

Loud Sounds When listening: If Zach is intensely listening for sound if a bull-horn went off near him he would probably go deaf for a number of hours.

Running for long times: If Zach runs for too long, the friction could become to hot to bear, causing him to cease running for a period of time.

Human Body: Zach has no increased durability. If you whacked him with a baseball bat really hard, you would get the same results if you went up to your average civilian and did the same.

Equipment: Zach usually carries around a pair of sound muffling headphones, to give to any allies if things were going to get loud. He also carries a cell phone and a small sacks full of rocks, for when he can't get up close.


Personality: Zach is incredibly snarky, known to make jokes quite often but if there is a high need for seriousness he can pull it off. He is a people person, however some find him highly annoying. He is a generally nice person, though he is very bitter towards those he has large amounts of hatred for. He is bored easily and often assumes something is highly boring before trying it(That's what he said about being a superhero and Heliskiing.)

Strengths: Zach is strong willed and is hard to argue with.

Interests/Habits: Zach adores music. He also enjoys watching TV and playing video games. He also collects bottle caps because "One day," He says, "Once all the metal in the world has been mined, they won't have any left for bottle caps.So, who will they turn to? ME! Well that, and some of them are shiny!"


Family Members:Mother, Father*Gone*
Place of Origin: Jump City
Current City: Jump City and Steel City
History: Zach was born and raised in Jump City. He was a normal child for about three years after his birth but then his abilities began to manifest. He began to run incredibly fast and begin to demonstrate control over sound.
His mother decided it would be best to keep their child's ability a secret, as she knew there were those who could teach him to do evil or test him for his power.But Zach's father left, with the words "I ain't living with no freak kid." Zach was heartbroken at first but to cope he began becoming very snarky making jokes this way and that.
Eventually when he was age seventeen, he was mugged. A group of gangsters attacked him. but he was saved by none other than the boy wonder himself- Robin. From that day on, he realized how bad things were around him. Jump City was by no means the worst but there was so much crime that had to be stopped. He now understood what it was like to be the victim of a crime, and what he must do. He spent the next few years training and amassing a sum of money to pay for his crime-fighting suit which he would discreetly purchase in parts from stores and online vendors. Eventually he will emerge as Sonicboom.(This emergence would occur if/when this character is accepted.)

Sample RP
Zach sprinted down the street going roughly two-hundred miles per hour, easily keeping up with a speeding getaway car. "If these dudes think they can rob a bank and getaway with it, they have to be idiots. Who robs a bank in this city anyways? There are a bunch of super heroes here, they would also get thier butts kicked." Zach slowed his pace so that he was at the passenger side door. he rapped his knuckles of the glass, and the robber turned his head quizzically around to look at the window. "Pip pip and cherrio ol' chap, mind if I pop in?" Zach said with a grin and a small wave. The thug pointed the gun at the window roughly in Zach's direction, but he was too slow. Using all of his speed momentum Zach punched through the window knocking the thug out and completely shattering the glass. He leapt in through the broken window and said "Morning folks. Good day to get your butts handed to you on a silver platter!"
Zach reached back into the backseat and with two swift punches knocked out the two thugs there. "And you, hit the brakes and maybe I won't make you go deaf." The driver started to say
"What do you me-"
Zach then screamed loud enough so that the driver got the message. He slammed on the brakes and the car shuddered to a halt. Zach quickly extended his fist to K.O. the driver. "A job well done, Sonicboom.' Zach said to himself, as he opened the car door and sprinted off to the distance, knowing that the police would wrap up the situation soon.

Last edited by legolosarrow on Fri Jan 04, 2013 3:33 pm; edited 4 times in total (Reason for editing : To change age to 17.)
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Skilled Metahuman
Skilled Metahuman

Posts : 150
Join date : 2011-08-09
Age : 29

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Sonicboom Empty
PostSubject: Re: Sonicboom   Sonicboom Icon_minitimeSat Dec 29, 2012 10:30 pm

I'll claim this app.

First of all, you have a few errors on the app. Mostly coding and spelling, but there are only a few, so no big deal. I'm just a grammar nazi.

Quote :
Zach has superspeed and has been known to comfortably run at around 800 miles per hour(and this is only if he is not engaged in a fight, and on a mostly full stomach.)

Does how much he's eaten have any effect on his powers? Like, does he have a super fast metabolism that means he needs to eat a lot of food to get the energy he needs to speed around? Is having an empty stomach a detriment to his powers or a possible weakness?

You don't have to necessarily add that, it's just I found it odd that you mentioned his stomach and figured expanding on that little tidbit would be a good idea, maybe.

Third, I'm gonna have to ask for more information on his sound powers. I'd recommend making his sound powers their own paragraph, since they're pretty much a new power set. How strong are his blasts? For that matter, how loud are they? Can Zack hear them? How does he fire them? Really, just how do they work in general?

For his 30 Yard Sound Field, explain a little more as to how that works. Does he make the sounds themselves louder, or he just make people in the field HEAR them louder than they actually are?

For his Super Hearing, I'm guessing he has enough control to filter out background noise to hear what he wants/needs to over those 3 miles. Also, if he can amplify his own hearing can he do the reverse and make everything quieter?

Other than all that stuff, this is a pretty cool app. Just make some edits and add some detail, and you should be golden.
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Skilled Metahuman
Skilled Metahuman

Posts : 150
Join date : 2011-08-09
Age : 29

RPG character
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Villain or good guy?:

Sonicboom Empty
PostSubject: Re: Sonicboom   Sonicboom Icon_minitimeSat Dec 29, 2012 11:38 pm

Much Better!

This App Is:

Sonicboom Comic-Code-245x300
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PostSubject: Re: Sonicboom   Sonicboom Icon_minitime

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